Saturday, May 12, 2018

Spring/Summer Wreath

I had every intention of having my laundry room done this past week, and I'm one step away from it. My husbands grandpa passed away five days shy of age 101, and about two days later my three year old broke out in Hand Foot and Mouth disease. That meant I was stuck home and couldn't travel for the funeral, but still didn't get a whole lot done because I was busy lysoling my house like a crazy lady. Instead of my laundry room all you get is my cheap spring wreath. 
I was in need of a new spring/summerish wreath and I couldn't find anything that I loved for a reasonable price. I went to a vintage market and saw an adorable wreath, but wasn't willing to pay the $50 price tag. I came up with my own wreath that cost me approximately $7 dollars. All it included was a twig wreath from Walmart, and a bundle of magnolia flowers that was a whopping $3 for the bouquet. I cut off the stems and stuck them into my wreath in a somewhat organized fashion. I wrapped the short stem around the twigs so that it's somewhat secured. It took me three minutes and ta da! New wreath. It even matches my house which I am a bit OCD about. Win win. 

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