When we moved in the room had nothing in it. Nothing, nada, zip. No hooks, no storage, no nothing. It has linoleum sticky flooring squares and we plan to update that in the future as well. Here's our lovely before picture.
And after. There is no window in this room so it's a bit dark. I painted it a gray that I already had on hand.
This is a fabulous farmhouse table as we call it, and in our previous home I used it as kitchen storage. We didn't have space for it in this home so I took off the cupboard door that went on the bottom section, and ta da, shoe storage.
Here is my favorite blue pine boards, unprimed, painted, and finished. It's just a raw board that I installed some fancy hooks onto. Notice the small hook closest to the door. That is our key holder, it's a must in this house.
The kid storage is at kid height, and they each have a hook to use. I really push them to hang up their backpack and coat and it actually works quite well. They know exactly where I expect their stuff to go and it (usually) makes it there.
That adorable crate on top is a crate for all things random. I don't care what goes in the crate as long as it's not cluttering up the table.
There is also a metal crate on the side of the shelf that is kind of hard to see. That is a crate for random things as well. In the winter it's full of gloves, hates and scarves. In the summer it might hold swim goggles, lost flip flops, gardening gloves, and more.
I plan to build a fabulous mudroom center in the future but for now this works pefectly for us. It's cute, it's functional, and it was basically free except for the hooks I had to buy. Win win.
looks awesome! I love having storage too with all our kids we need it lol :)