Sunday, April 1, 2018

Refinishing Furniture

While we were in school and oh so poor, I took it upon myself to refinish a few pieces of furniture every month to earn some extra cash. I only bought pieces that I got a screamin deal on and could easily refinish.
All it took was some sanding down with an orbital sander, paint, and a polycrylic finish. Ta da! The pieces looked like new. People are often so intimidated with refinishing, but if you are painting the piece you do not have to do nearly as much work. You just need to sand it down enough to strip the finish off and make the surface rough for the paint to stick. You don't have to completely strip everything off unless you are staining the piece. I hardly ever stain anything, and if I do it's always fresh wood. Then wipe off your surface so there isn't any dust, and you are ready to paint. I typically do 2 coats of paint and one coat of finish. Sometimes when using a lighter color it will require more coats but rarely.
 Everything I have done has held up really well and I've refinished almost every piece of furniture we own. I'm kind of obsessed.
I have hundreds of pictures but I decided not to bore you with every piece, so here's a few.

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